Seems that half the pages on the web these days have annoying fixed navigation headers at the top and/or bottom of the page breaking the use of the space-bar or page-up/down for paging text.
I finally had enough of it so I made a bookmarklet to remove them.
It just spiders the DOM and changes and "Position:fixed" elements into "position:absolute".
Install it by dragging the following button into your bookmarks tool-bar:
Then next time some website is being annoying with it's fixed headers, click the bookmarklet in your toolbar.
Personally I don't have a bookmarks-toolbar since I use Pentadactyl and do most of my web-driving by keyboard (or by voice control mapped to keyboard).
You can add this line to your .pentadactylrc if you'd sooner:
command! unfix -description "Unfix DOM Nodes" open javascript:(function(){ function walk(n, f) { f(n); n = n.firstChild; while (n) { walk(n, f); n = n.nextSibling; } } walk(document.body, function (n) { if(n.nodeType==1){ var s = window.getComputedStyle(n); var d = s.getPropertyValue('position'); if(d=='fixed'){ n.style.setProperty('position','absolute','important'); } } }); })();
Tested in Firefox (well, Iceweasel) and Chrome.
Can't test IE or Safari coz I don't have OS X or Windows.